

Reminder: workflow


Before you start: Make sure you have received the complete project folder as a zipped file from your partner. Unzip the files.

Your project is growing! As you are continuing, it is good to keep track of your changes, so that work done with different states of the project can be adequately assessed later on. Your job will be to start a git project in GitHub Desktop, and create a first version of your project.

  1. Open the program GitHub Desktop.
  2. If you are prompted to sign in to GitHub, please do so.
  3. In Github Desktop, click on File and then New Repository. This will prompt you to fill in the “name” and “local path” of the repository. Make sure to tick the box “Initialize this repository with a README”.
  4. A new folder is created on your computer where changes can be tracked. There also is a file created In Github Desktop, click on Show in explorer to look at this new folder.
  5. In another explorer, find the unzipped data folder you received and copy it into your new git folder.
  6. In GitHub Desktop, notice that changes are automatically noticed. But the changes are not tracked yet (not picture has been taken).
  7. In Github Desktop, take a “snapshot” of the changes in this new version, write a title and description of the changes and click on Commit to main
  8. In the explorer, open the file with a text editor (e.g., notepad) and write some documentation about the dataset.
  9. In Github Desktop, (the same as before) take a “snapshot” of the changes in this new version, write a title and description of the changes and click on Commit to main.
  10. In Github Desktop, click on Publish repository. If you are prompted to Sign in to GitHub, please do so.
  11. Now you can publish your repository in the cloud. Untick keep this code private and click on Publish repository.
  12. When you are done, share the url with the partner that will continue in the next section (you don’t need to zip the data this time).
  13. They will continue in FUTURE. You can grab a coffee or tea now!

What if you finish early?

Watch a presentation on changelogs (manual version control)

View the transcript here