

Reminder: workflow


In this exercise you will work with your new GitHub repository that you created in the past. You will work with the GitHub repository of the driver.

  1. In an internet browser, open the github url that your received from the previous driver and click on Fork (top right)
    • Next, use all the default settings and click on Create fork.
    • This creates a copy that you own and can further develop. But it is still connected to the previous driver and could be used for collaboration.
  2. Add a license to the project:
    • Click ‘Add file’ > ‘Create new file’, and name your new file LICENSE
    • Go to and find a license that fits your project;
    • Click on the license of your choice, you should see a license text (for example, here is the license text for the MIT license). Copy this license text (just the text!) to the LICENSE file on your GitHub repository, and click ‘Commit new file’.
  3. Connect your GitHub page to Zenodo.
    • Log in to Zenodo’s sandbox environment
    • Why are we using a Sandbox? The Sandbox does not mint a real DOI, which would be forever assigned to your test project. A dummy DOI might suffice for today.
    • Click ‘log in with GitHub’ and authorize Zenodo to connect to your GitHub account.
    • On Zenodo’s main page, click on the triangle next to your name, and choose ‘GitHub’. Find the repository you just created, and enable Zenodo’s access by toggling the switch to ‘on’.
  4. Make a release from the GitHub main page:
    • Click ‘create a new release’
    • Tag the release with the version number. Note that it is common practice to prefix the letter ‘v’ to your version number; e.g.: v0.1.0.
    • Name the release. For example, using the version tag and the date (in YYYY-MM-DD format!)
    • Use the description field to copy the changelog information. Since this is the first release on GitHub, you can copy the entire changelog into the description. Future releases can be described by the changes made between the previous release and that one.
    • Click ‘Publish release’.
  5. Return to the GitHub page in your Zenodo profile. Verify that the repository is uploading. After the release is complete (this can take a while!), you should be able to click through to the sandbox page of your released project!
    • Under normal circumstances, you would get the DOI and place a badge in your GitHub README. Why should you not do this now you are working in the Zenodo sandbox?

What if you finish early?

No worries, there is more to explore and learn. Here are some suggestions for what you could do:

Rewatch the presentation

View the transcript here